The Portland dental practice of Dr. David N. Carothers treats patients suffering from sleep apnea. Dr. Carothers prefers to work with a complete sleep study or polysomnogram. But he also offers a convenient diagnostic take-home sleep machine for his patients who don’t have a current MD to provide the diagnosis.
What is Sleep Apnea?

The word apnea comes from the Greek word apnoia, from apnous ‘breathless’. Sleep Apnea is a disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops for at least 10 seconds and then starts again. It is a potentially serious sleep disorder. The most common cause of sleep apnea is called Obstructive Sleep Apnea. This is when the muscles in the back of the throat fail to keep the airway open despite efforts to breathe. Due to lack of sleep and insufficient oxygen it can lead to hypertension, heart disease, mood and memory problems
Symptoms of Sleep Apnea
It is not uncommon for a person to have sleep apnea and not know it. But there are some signs that may indicate a person has the disorder:
- Snoring. Chronic snoring is usually the first symptom of Sleep Apnea. However, snoring alone does not determine whether or not someone has the disorder.
- Waking often. When apnea is mild, you may wake up often without knowing why. You may also wake up feeling tired or experience mild daytime sleepiness
- Headaches. Due to the insufficient oxygen while you sleep you may experience morning headaches.
- Gasping for air or choking. When apnea is severe, you can wake up breathless or gasping for air.
- Deteriorating Health If the condition is prolonged without treatment it can cause one’s health to decline. As mentioned above it can contribute to hypertension and heart disease, mood swings and memory loss.
The above can be symptoms of other disorders as well. Therefore, it is important to tell your doctor if you have any of the above symptoms.
What is Oral Appliance Therapy?
Custom made oral appliances effectively treat obstructive sleep apnea. They are worn at night while you sleep. They adjust the position of your jaw to prevent chronic obstruction from occurring. Dr. Carothers offers a choice of appliances. However, he has found the best success with RESPIRE. RESPIRE is an easy-to-use system that is simple to adjust for your comfort and produces excellent results.
Another device is the CPAP machine (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure). A CPAP machine increases the air pressure in your throat to prevent your airway from collapsing when you inhale. While some cases of sleep apnea require the use of a CPAP machine, most cases do not. Many of our Sleep Apnea patients had trouble adjusting to this method. They have had more relief after switching to oral appliances.
Note: Oral appliance therapy can be used as an alternative to CPAP as well as in conjunction with this machine.
A Straightforward Solution for a Complex Problem

Having suffered from sleep apnea himself, Dr. Carothers is passionate about the use of oral appliances which have helped him for years. He has extensive experience treating sleep apnea in Portland and has earned an excellent reputation in this field. We understand the importance of treating the condition and will work with your medical insurance plan to make these devices affordable.
Our devices travel well. They are small enough to fit into a shaving or cosmetic bag. And they won’t stop working when the power goes out.
Treatment with Oral Appliances
The initial evaluation includes reviewing your answers to the Epworth Sleepiness Scale which, along with other information, provides Dr. Carothers with enough details to determine if a sleep study is necessary. If you feel like you or a loved one may have Sleep Apnea, please select the link below and print the Epworth Scale.
Getting Started
We work closely with your primary care provider and your insurance carrier to help the process go smoothly.
Once you have been approved for treatment, our dentist will measure your airway, take precise impressions, and craft your custom appliance. Our trusted lab typically delivers your new device in less than two weeks. Once you’ve begun using the appliance, Dr. Carothers will make any necessary adjustments.
Our entire team takes great pride in the results we’ve been able to produce for our sleep apnea patients here in Portland. If you snore, experience interrupted sleep or daytime fatigue, call Dr. Carothers today to get relief!